如果有人採到40000可以存畫面給我嗎 謝謝!

今天我決定我要當個追星族 上次有想過要追倪安東 不過只是發花癡
從預購蘇打綠新專輯開始 我要得到簽名!!

FAR- 徐佳瑩
AUD- 蔡健雅
REG- 蘇打綠 陳綺真
加班- 倪安東 蘇打綠--十年一刻

其實我很少念書或加班聽音樂的 但是謝謝你們陪我度過一些最艱難的時刻:)

My teacher at junior high used to say I shine too much, and it's not good for me. I didn't understand.
For a long time, I am afraid that if I don't shine enough, ppl won't know how hardworking I am, and what I have achieved.
However, not now.

I thought, I am supposed to be who I am.
On facebook, I am that girl who spent several yrs in WA, currently work in a big company, and post stuff in English every now and then.
However, I don't want them to see me as that.

I don't want compliments that I don't know how to response, cuz deep down I know,
I got all those because I had a chance, and they didn't.
We were at the same place, like we were all equal, but in fact we weren't.
Now I get it, when comparison doesn't mean anything, there's no point of being shining.
We all went on different paths, but what we shared, what you brought to me never changes.

靠山山倒 靠人人跑
老話一句 靠自己最好

我的回答是"音樂和藝術 因為我希望自己是個有內涵的人"
外籍老師:"so who's your favorite artist?"
我:(呆...)"uhh...see, this is why I wish I had studied art in school."

    創作者 alice1rabbit 的頭像

    Alice in Wonderland

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